with Solar Ready Veterans
As part of the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DOD) SkillBridge initiative, the Solar Ready Vets program unites the workforce development needs of growing solar companies with trained workers who embody the discipline, motivation and technical skills that come from serving in the military. Recently, the DOD announced that Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, NC would be one of the newest military bases to participate in the program. Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC) has offered training for careers in the solar energy to military personnel transitioning out of active duty. Hiring transitioning military personnel into the solar industry provides the sector with highly skilled, educated, and disciplined workers. FTCC’s first graduating class of Solar Ready Vets was held on July 15th, 2016 and it was attended by media and community leaders.
Frederick Barber
Lieutenant Colonel & Graduate of Solar Ready Vets Program
“When you realize there has been a fall in the cost of electricity because of renewable energy, and you have to say to yourself – why not? If it saves pollution– why not? If it makes the world a better place –why not? If it’s quiet – why not? It just makes sense.”
Solar Training
Strata Solar hosted the graduates on a tour of the 6.5 MW farm in Lumber Bridge, NC, so they can see first-hand what it feels like to be a solar PV installer or inspector.
Vince DiFrancesco
President, Everblue & Trainer for Solar Ready Vets Program
“It’s very important to me to support veterans coming out of the military and giving them opportunities to do something, not only meaningful, but helpful to the community and the planet.”
These veterans are dedicated to the mission of delivering clean energy, and they’re able to quickly apply their military field experience through the many phases of constructing a solar farm. Plus, it’s such a growing industry, the opportunities for advancement are endless.”
Maria Barker
HR Director at Strata Solar